Monday, April 2

The Glory of Mother America

My latest art and digital tech project was to create a 4 page spread of a book or magazine. I decided to go for an art book of sorts with constructivist style propaganda posters for the Bush administration. I decided this fairly recently, too. We were given the assignment two weeks ago and the one I worked on teh first week ended up reeking of poop, so I scrapped it and went with this one. Anyway here are a few of the images.

I wasn't a big fan of the font I ended up using (Braggadocio) and was very close to purchasing some of these fonts. I could see them being useful later so I may still get them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i actually like the font you used better than those you were considering purchasing.

ps. when i did the project, my original idea for it was also scrapped. and i came up with my final spread a day or two before it was due.