Sunday, January 16

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NEWLY UPDATED! (1.25.05)

I just had a fabulous night on the town with Messrs. Fleaboy and Hobart and Miss Hollyce herself. It began like every other night of carousing and rambunctiousness: in a chat room. It was decided upon (apparently before I even entered the chat) that we would exercise our right to walk into various stores at the mall, buy nothing, and harass unsuspecting mall-goers such as Fleaboy's brother, Fleathing, whom Fleaboy and I ran into early in our excursion as we predatorially circled the food court in waiting for Hollyce and Byrne. Fleathing's appearance has changed dramatically since the last time I saw him; his
portrait as depicted by his brother on CB is accurate in all qualities but height. I was surprised to discover that Fleathing is actually taller by an inch or two than his older brother. Also his hair was much longer and less his natural color. He was with a dark, curly haired girl easily the shortest of the four of us. They were rifling through a calendar stand when Fleaboy noticed them and said, "Brother!" while shoving me aside. I'm still not sure why he did that because as soon as I was hidden behind the lithograms of puppies and swimsuit models, he walked up to his brother and asked him why he had chosen the same mall to go to on a Saturday night. Apparently he and his female companion had been driving and just decided to go to the mall in an impulse which, Fleaboy pointed out, lacked the carefully planned agenda he had created on the internet and which, I refrained from mentioning, was already thrown off by the fact that Hollyce and Byrne were late. After the brothers' subtely feudal conversation ended, we walked a few more circuits of the food court assigning names and occupations to randomly selected people dining there.

Eventually we stopped walking and waited near the calendar racks after Fleathing had gone. Hollyce and Byrne showed up shortly after, and we began our trek through the mall. We started out in the recently opened Sony Styles store which was clearly created to compete with the Apple store's ever-increasing popularity one floor above. I must admit that there were some very nice pieces of technology in broader range than Apple's in the Sony showroom. Flatscreen/LCD/HDTV/Plasma TV sets�it seems almost insulting to call them TVs; I believe it's actually appropriate to call them entertainment centers or modules� showed various pop artists singing on stage and, in another corner, the most famous clips of seasons one through three of Seinfeld.

After the Sony lost its style, we moved on to the Brookstone store where I seated myself in The Throne of Great Pleasure which massaged my back for a euphoric five minutes before I realized that my friends were getting tired of watching the masseuse-chair massage my back. I sat up and began poking around the store for high powered lasers, coffee makers, and barbeque equipment which can handle the most complicated mathematical equations involved in grilling brats. Eventually Brookstone also lost its appeal and we moved on to the next store.

We walked into thet Discovery Channel Store where I was immediately drawn to a colorful, glowing, bubbling, fogging night light. When Byrne pulled me away from it, I noticed that the Discovery Health Channel was making a visit to the store too. They had set up camp towards the back of the store and were doing unspeakable things with scales and cheap, hand-held video game looking modules behind their mysterious curtains. Hollyce said she'd line up if I did so she, Fleaboy and I got stepped into the "walk ins" line and were handed a waiver which I made Byrne read to make sure I wasn't signing myself up to be a mail order bride. Luckily I wasn't selling any tangible part of myself and they couldn't have my soul, because I'm still not sure who has that right now. After filling out the papers I was lead behind one of the curtains where I was weighed (134 lbs) and then shoved off and told to go to the website to start my new exercise regimen. Then I was told to hold Tiger Electronicesque gadget which would miraculously indicate my Body Mass Index (20, if I remember correctly and I probably don't) and total body fat (12.5). I pinned my pedometer onto my belt before we left the store and found some little brat jumping around on the show boats in the middle of the mall. Hollyce said something about that being wrong and decided to tell the security guard standing in plain view of the truant. I quickly planned a preemptive salivary strike on the lad and dashed up the escalator (which had no affect on the pedometer for whatever reason) to get to the railing under which he would soon be smote by a great glob of.....but alas, he had gotten off the boat by the time I reached the second floor.

Hollyce rode the escalator up to where we were standing and told us that she had established a relationship with the guard by chatting about the football game (which nearly every store we walked into was broadcasting on the radio) and then informed him that his duty as a guard was to prevent children such as the one dancing on the boat from dancing on the boats.

"You mean those kids?" he asked, pointing to me, Fleaboy, and Byrne as we went up the escalator.

"No, the one who's on the boat."

By that point, however, the kid had gotten down and Hollyce just left the guard to cotinue entertaining feelings of nostalgia as he remembered the good old days when you could get everything at the corner store and watched as the Discovery Chanel Store was robbed blind. We were ambling around the second floor when the Apple store's gleaming, sterile logo caught my eye and I said louder than I had intended, "Ooo! The Apple Store! Let's go in there. I want to see the iPod Shuffle." One of the workers came over as we walked in and asked, "Did I hear someone say they wanted to see the Shuffle?" I told her that that was me and she pulled a Shuffle off of the lanyard around her neck and showed us all of it's neatest features. I was surprised at first that it didn't have a screen, but then realized that this Apple's cheap model. I was also hit with the realization that it was called the iPod Shuffle because it was on perpetual shuffle mode because it didn't have a screen. I'm a quick one. From what I saw of it, the Shuffle is just a very expensive flash drive that can hold a mere 300ish songs. It's price is considerably lower than anything else Apple has to offer, but it's still the typical Apple rip-off we've all come to know and love. I actually do love it, though. Anyway before leaving, I made sure to open up Safari on one of the new iMacs and make CB a bookmark on the toolbar� an easy catch even for the unobservant who might wander into the store, such as our friend the security guard.

We walked out of the Apple Store and into the Abercrombie across the way. I was surprised that Fleaboy actually wanted to go in to sample their cologne. Byrne went along with it too, but Hollyce obstinately refused. I don't blame her; I know that lots of people hate A&F simply because it's A&F and that's fine. We eventually did coax her in, but as soon as she walked in, some of her friends from school said hello from outside. I don't think she was too happy about being caught in an Abercrombie store, but I think she'll outlive the shame.

I've been working on this post for a while, but it's now been too long and I've forgotten parts of what happened after this point, so you'll just have to live with this.

Thursday, January 6

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I've given up feeling sorry for the 30-something year-old moron who teaches the first graders. She's a lost cause. I really feel sorry for those kids. They clearly are not learning. Then they are expected to be nice to each other when their teachers are setting an example very similar to the kindness Al Pacino's character showed Fredo in the Godfather. One of them came up to the teachers desk to ask for an eraser and the teacher shouted as if the kid had asked if she could pretty please have the teacher's valuables plus the deed to her car, "No! You will not get an eraser now sit down!" I was again disappointed with the teacher's illiteracy when she for the third time mispronounced "sonar." Here is an actual conversation that took place during an intermission of idiocy in the story. Miss Calabria is in a folding chair surrounded by an audience of first graders and myself while Mrs. Grumble sits off to the side behind the semicircle of children at her desk filling out papers so she can become a certified dumb-ass, meanie teacher.

Miss Calabria: "...hyoom....hyuoomonji?....hyoomonjius?" [pleadingly looks to Mrs. Grumble]
Mrs. Grumble: "Is it humongous?"
Miss Calabria: "No. I mean I don't think so."
Mrs. Grumble: "I think it's humongous. Berny, look at that and tell me if you concur." [trying to sound smart]
Miss Calabria: "Good idea. That's not humongous is it?"
Berny: [looks at the page] "Actually, that's pretty humongous."
Miss Calabria: "Oh..." [sits down, laughs] "Aren't you glad you'll have a story to tell your friends?"
One final Magic School Bus episode: Miss Calabria slipped and said that Ranger Mike "pinched his tit" instead of pitching his tent. Well whatever keeps Ranger Mike's raft afloat, I always say. I almost hope the strike happens so that the substitutes will take over. Even they must be better than what the kids have now.

I heard a funny story recently which I feel like sharing here, because my post is too short and I need filler (aka SPAM). All clownaphobes should be warned: the content in this tale contains graphic descriptions of clowns or otherwise clown-like figures. The name shave been changed to protect those whose lives were devasted by the tragedy. The story: Barbie was babysitting for her neighbors' children while they went out for a night on the town. She was watching TV with the kids when she noticed a clown bust on a shelf. She told the kids it looked creepy and they said that it scared them too. She put the kids to bed an hour or so later and called their father saying they'd gone to sleep without any trouble. Then she asked him if she could cover the clown head with a blanket or something because it was very frightening. The father interrupted and urgently told her, "Get the kids and get out of the house now!" She did so while their father called the police. When they got there, they found that a man who had recently escaped a mental institution had been living in their attic for the last 12 days dressed as a clown. He occasionally came downstairs in the clown suit and had left his mask on the shelf. The moral of the story is: the next time you are staring at a clown in a little child's room or on your way to the fridge for a midnight snack, just remember that maybe, just maybe, there's a crazy man behind that mask staring right back at you wondering which way you'll run.

Note: I heard this story on the internet so it is entirely unverifiable and probably untrue. Creepy nonetheless. Have a nice day and hug a clown.


Monday, January 3


After a magical Christmas and muchos happyos grande new year's celebration, things have slowed down considerably, and waiting for senior project is considerably less exciting than pretty much anything else I could be doing right now or have been doing until now. I don't mean to sound ungrateful. Sure I'll be going to a school for the next three weeks, but I think I can handle the second grade again. It's the second graders which pose a serious threat to my well-being. I just know one of them is going to walk into school with some previously unclassified and highly communicable disease and I'm going to be lucky enough to have to work with it. Ahhh...poop. Okay, I was just rudely interrupted by a group of 'mores and their chemistry class. They didn't even take my computer. Just my chair. Bastards. Anyway, I'm going to my project in a hazmat suit every day. Considering that second graders are quite possibly the best way for terrorists to spread toxins, contagions, and stress related suicides, I'm surprised they haven't taken advantage of America's youth yet.

Two people today have commented I on the haircut I got 3 or 4 weeks ago. Strange. I could have sworn I got it before Christmas break. People are forgetful? Meh. Well I now have 30 minutes to go to the cafeteria for the commissioning service. Why we're being commissioned in the cafeteria is a mystery to me. I guess they want to fill our stomachs before filling our hearts with the love of jeebus (and various child-induced illnesses.)
