Thursday, December 2


Author's note: Looking over this post, it's pretty gross. If cadavers make you queasy, you probably don't want to read this. Scroll down to the blue for the less gory bits of my day.

Watching the video of Kennedy's assassination was traumatic enough. Today we went to a cadaver lab and watched as a woman was torn open and her innards thoroughly explored by a premed. It wasn't at all what I expected. The body was not very fresh and was completely undistinguishable as a human being except for her hands�her awful, grey hands. Most of them wanted to touch her, pull her tendons and squeeze her tarred lungs, but I was getting lightheaded and dizzy. I didn't want to touch her. I didn't want to touch anything that had touched her. I don't think I'll be eating meat for at least a week. I won't be sleeping well for quite some time. I wish I'd stayed at school. I learned everything we were shown there from my anatomy book. I missed two classes while I was gone, two classes which I enjoy.I wished I'd stayed at school.

In other news, my Kesterman interview will be airing tomorrow. I'm excited about that. I looked over the footage and it's not exactly what I had hoped for in terms of his responses, but I didn't have the time to edit it further, so I'll just have to settle for what I've got. I'm also very excited that my Engrish project is officially complete. All 10 movies noted and journaled. I watched my last movie just yesterday and was up until 2:30 typing up my journals. They were all crap and I can say that I am honestly only proud of two of my journals (Godfather 1 and 2). Well what's 200 points in a class as easy as Engrish? Yeah I am screwed.

Next weekend will be the first weekend I can look forward to with delight since the summer ended. For the first time since the beginning of school, I will have absolutely nothing to do, no obligations whatsoever. No races, no test, no Engrish projects. It will be nice. I think I'm going to use my iTunes and Barnes and Noble gift cards. I plan on buying Fight Club (the novel) and the Godfather (also the novel). I'm also considering getting Choke by Chuck Palahniuk, but I think I'll wait to see if I like Fight Club first. I'm also planning on getting either Ender's Game or Dune both of which were highly recommended by a friend. Dune seems much more interesting so I'm leaning towards that. I may also get the Godfather DVD. This may seem like a lot of stuff to get from gift cards, but I have a lot of money on my gift cards, so I could probably get all that. I'll also sample the music suggestions from CB and see which ones are worthy of my $15.

Tomorrow is Friday. It will be a good day.


1 comment:

Byrne Hobart said...

I'll let you borrow my copies of Dune and Ender's Game, if you want. It's cheaper that way.