Friday, July 29

Random July Pics

These pics probably look famliar if you scrolled around Franz's photo album on his post the other day, but I figured you may want a more convenient way to view them so I've hosted and posted thanks to the good people at photobucket.

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Me and Hollyce at her graduation party.

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Lots of shit at the garage sale. Some of it's X-Rated. Deersex is narsty.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comMe at the garbage sale.

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Me and Flea

The next few pictures are from last night in U City.
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This is one of my favorites. Blueberry Hill Remix. I'm going to make that a desktop.

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Nick likes the plastic, bathing ladies. =P

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There he is again.

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And finally, me and Nick. =D

Thursday, July 28

Month old Pics! :D

Bleh, looks like I changed the names on a few of these pictures. Just....yeah. Ignore this.

Sorry kids. Shoulda posted these a while ago. Anyway, now you can enjoy the Ozarks from the comfort of your compy/lappy.

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This is the grand Cabin by the Lake. Gorgeous, right?

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We spent a lot of time on the pontoon. Lots of fun. I had sea-legs for a week afterward.

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I wish I'd known that was being taken. Now I look like a pervy sodomite of sorts. LOL

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This is a reflection of The Horny Toad, a colorful restaurant/night club on the lake.

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When we got home from boating and what not, we played Set one day. There's
really no point in playing with Nick. Luckily he sat one round out. I
so won.

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And finally there's this. No explanation necessary.

Great Balls of Fire

I'd hate to let 73h bl06 die after putting so much time and effort into it. I'll just LJ cross post! Hope there isn't anything too saucy in this post. I can't make it friends only. :P

Tennis is a pretty fast-paced and exciting sport from what I've seen of it. Obviously there's a market out there for people who are bored with the mundane ritual of bouncing a ball back and forth as evidenced by Mario Tennis. Somehow the appeal of Mario Tennis was far too great for my brother to merely sit down and play the video game. He decided to act out a match complete with flaming tennis ball. Mario probably didn't use gasoline to make the tennis ball glow, but that was really the only option open to him so he and his idiot friend played flaming tennis in our driveway without a net. The ball escaped his friend a few times and I think went into my neighbor's yard. Our nextdoor neighbors love their lawn. They love all that is green on their property. It looks really good. I seriously hope they didn't so much as singe anything. We get blamed for a lot of the vandalism that befalls their home. Really there was only one other specific instance, my brothers were blamed but no one could prove anything. The side of their house facing ours was egged a few years ago. It's a well known fact in our family that Ratboy doesn't like them because they're so obsessed with their ongoing, neverending landscaping project. I think a window was broken once too on the same side. Those neighbors really don't like us and quite frankly I don't blame them. I don't like us either.

As for me, last night a very bored Fleaboy and Stu tried to kidnap me and take me places, but Nick was on his way to pick me up as they pulled up. I told them we'd meet them at Tro Mo. After Tro Mo we hurried off to the bread co to see if it was still open. I hadn't had dinner and wanted a bagel. Unfortunately chairs were stacked on tables and the bagel bins were already emptied. We ran into Missy in the parking lot. She was just getting out of her dance class at the studio nearby. I didn't notice her until Hovis pointed her out. Hovis had just arrived and was asking who was there and when I didn't mention Missy and she was clearly present she was like, "And Missy?" That was a pleasant surprise. Anyway, with nothing left to do in Kirkwood (the place pretty much shuts down at 9) we went to Mokabe's while waiting for Pip and Margaret to finish at work. George and Maddy just happened to be there so we found a table and talked for a while. Hovis picked up Pip and Margaret and we went back to Maddy's house-sitee to chill for a while. The house was actually really nice. George and Maddy call it the Brady house. It's owned by a lesbian couple and a gay couple. One of the guys is married to one of the lezzies so the lezzies could adopt. I think George said the gay couple had moved out cause one of them wanted his space away from little kids.

Tonight I'll be hanging out with KP at Fitz's. Her Floridian friends are leaving tomorrow. She introduced me to them one day at the garage sale. They looked pretty shocked. That could be attributed to either the garage sale or KP. I quite frankly was surprised they were friends at all. Just by the look of them they are not the type of person KP hangs out with. Anyway, I can't say I'm still mad at her for the other day, but I know I will be by the end of tonight. She will inevitably greet me as Bad Peter and make frequent references to the fact that I know and hang out with a Peter even "worse" than myself. KP just really needs to learn to take a joke. She's only turning me further to the dark side by harassing me about that. Yes soon I'll be using manscara, carrying a man purse, and going to the salon for waxings, pluckings, manicures, pedicures, and exfoliations and it will be all her fault. Actually I wouldn't mind a satchel to carry stuff in. They're really handy. I can at least look like I have one if and when I finally get my goddamn powerbook.

EDIT: Oh yeah and don't forget to check out the marvelous Konfabulator. You'll never have the much fun eating your CPU.