Wednesday, December 15

Exams 2.0 (Now runs without anxiety!)

I never thought I'd see the day, but I am finally not swamped by exams. I have 3 "official" exams to take and one unofficial one. I'm basing this on the assumption that I'll be exempt from my theology exam which is highly probable. I found out today that I was exactly .4% above the necessary 90 to be exempt from my English exam which entirely made up for the Calc test I failed the period before. I no longer need to show up to school on Monday! Three day weekend! Three exams total! (I just took half of my psych exam but that was so easy it doesn't count.) I love being a senior. Seriously. It rocks.

I tried to study for psych during my free period but I got distracted by the interweb. I tried to watch the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory trailer but unfortunately OS 9 is 73h 5ux0rz and doesn't have eithe Quicktime or WMP which supports the very complicated function of modern media players, video. This is unfortunate considering the fact Umpa-Lumpa songs are 100% less entertaining in the absence of Umpa-Lumpas.

And finally, I should probably mention that I was up until 2 oclock last night studying for Calc and psychology. Needless to say I am incredibly tired right now. I'll be able to make up for it in the days and months to come. Senior project: one month of service and nutzin else.

The Return of the King Extended Edition came out yesterday, and I must say that is one fantastic 15 hour flick. Granted, I'm a fanatic and prone to exaggeration, but even so it was a quality film. I really liked the scenes they added and Saruman's death, while not at all as it should have been, was excellent nonetheless. I especially liked the scene in which Aragorn confronts the Palantir himself. I didn't like that in the theatrical version, he touched it and went limp like Pippin. (That by the way is the second worst scene in the Lord of the Rings movies. Terribly done and even I won't bother defending it.) Aragorn is the Heir to the Throe and should not have lost it like that. Jackson quasi-makes up for it when he looks into the Palantir and tells Sauron he's coming to kick some ass with Anduril. Sauron however, like all good villains, strikes at Aragorn's heart and shows and imaged of Arwen, dead. Aragorn leaps back in shock and the dream he had earlier in which the Evenstar shattered became a reality. Definitely one of my favorite new scenes.

Also, if you will recall from the theatrical version, an orc asks the Witch-King what to do with Gandalf and he says, "I will break him," leading up to an exciting....nothing. Well no more! The Witch-King breaks Gandalf and breaks him good, but I won't say how. Needless to say, that scene is kick ass.

Frodo's story is mostly unchanged except they did add the scene in which he and Sam are accidentally taken in the ranks of orcs and have to march a far out of their way on their journey to Orodruin. It was done pretty well. It played even further off the orcs easily provokable and argumentative demeanors.

Of course the biggest disappointment of the film was that the last 30 minutes or so remained entirely unchanged. No Scourging of the Shire. I've gone off on that already so I won't waste more time on that but I liked that the ending was unchanged aside from that. I thought I heard on that the Grey Havens scene would be extended, but I guess I just made that up, because it wasn't.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh i am so jealous. I have to wait until Christmas. And I might not even get it. Who knows what my parents will do.
omgomgomgomg. I need to see that movie. sounds so awesome.
