Monday, December 6

Seed Entry 2: to the minute

Like my good buddy Byrne, I've been playing some old-school games on my compy. Metal Gear is an amazing game. It's a graphical marvel and the enemy AI is already higher than Phil's. And it's got one of the best plots/Japanese-English translations ever. After finding "missing our "Grey Fox"", I went in a truck. "UH OH! THE TRUCK HAVE BEGUN TO MOVE!" I went all over the place and got the the third boss, Twin Shot. Just two guys in turrets firing white dots and slightly missle-shaped objects at poor Mr. Snake. I emptied 92 white dots ("bullets") into one of the guys and he just wouldn't die. I went to the tranceiver and a very fulsome Diane told me that I needed a grenade launcher to kill them. I passed that up very early in the game so now I have to go on a redonkulous back-tracking journey. But other than that, it's just pure old-school greatness. I love getting in a cardboard box and shuffling around until the baddies notice me. Then I just white dot them until they vanish. Punching the dogs makes me sad though. They bounce and then disappear.

Last weekend I didn't have many school-related things to do, so I spent the weekend doing lots of nothing (see above) and going to Noah's house. That was a disaster and I'm really sorry about what happened. Hollyce, Jose, one Malkus, and I were having a spoon war and there were more civilian casualties than miltary, unfortunately. Hollyce's pants tore at the seams and shortly afterward Noah's house also tore at the seams. If you're reading this, I'd be more than happy to contribute however much money is necessary to fix the wall.

Other than the disasterous Spoon War II, the night was pretty fun. Hollyce brought cookies to celebrate the birthdays of myself and Mr. Noah himself. There was a little bit of chaos in the card-signing because Noah ended up signing his own birthday card and I signed his more than once and mine at least once and never under the same name. I just realized that I think I may have left my card at his house. Damn.

One of the few assignments I DID have to do for today was to interview someone about some significant life choice they made which I found interesting or worth investigating for my theology class. I have yet to so much as decide who exactly to interview. I'm leaning towards my dad who converted to Catholicism years ago. Not interesting or at all worth investigating but I'm out of ideas. And people.

And finally, an update on the iTunes Music Store situation. I have yet to so much as sample one song. I'll get around to it eventually, but I honestly don't know when. I probably won't be able to until Christmas break. I didn't have the time over the weekend. Destroying Metal Gear was priority number one. That and typing up an english paper so my computer time was divided appropriately, or so I hope. I just hope I didn't insert random refernces to taking out walking nuclear battle tank in my paper about why elevators are in free fall to hell. Slightly related, but it'd be pushing it.

I really don't like internet Explorer. Or OS 9. I don't have the option to change my font so this is gonna look bad with the rest of my entries. Use OS X or at least Firefox if you're too ignorant and closed-minded to make the big switch.


1 comment:

cmptrnrd16 said...

I will be making the switch a week from saturday. Or at least I hope to be purchasing my ibook that day. If everything goes smoothly it will be all mine.