Wednesday, September 22

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Okay first a side note: I'm really excited. The school library just got eMac G4's running on OS X so I FINALLY was able to download Firefox and can once again check my Gmail on the Macs. Huttah for Premium OS Xage.

Now to the real meat of my new low sodium mechanically-separated, artificially flavored blog product. Yesterday, the first block day, had 4 80 minute classes. After school and practice (which I really didn't go to because of a knee injury) I came home, watched an episode of The Fairly Oddparents (Timmy wished to be invisible. Hilarity ensued. [I love Mr. Crocker. WATCH THE SHOW!]), and then sat down with my psychology book to get my homework done. I was sound asleep within 5 minutes. I don't know exactly how much sleep I got but I'm guesstimating it at about 10 hours which is twice what I get on an ordiany school night. So I am very well rested today, but unfortunately I have no where to spend my energies.

I have had and will have only one class today after a homeroom that began at 9:15. In that class (Calculus) we did nothing. I got so bored I practiced my signature for a while, and you'll be happy to know that I've got my first name down to where I'm happy with it. After that, a 10 minute break. After that, and continuing to the present is my free period. 80 minutes long. Before lunch. And another 15 minute break. I figured I'd read the Scarlet Letter during that time, but then The Oriental Turkey informed me that my third and final class of the day (worthless/bullshitology) will today consist of watching the last 15 minutes of "The Insider" (meh) and then getting a free period because my teacher/cross country coach had his lower jaw replaced with bandaids and as a result is unable to perform his speaking duties. I guess I'll get around to the Scarlet Letter then. After that, it's off to Cross Country, where I probably won't be running again. I will dub today International ______ Day. There should be some word (any word) in there, but there isn't because nothing happens on this day.

But wait! No! Today is a day which will forever live in infamy! Tragedy has struck us on this day! International Russ Day is today's new name. God bless Russ and the remaining makers of such quality video entertainment. While he's at it, he can bless those Iraqis who are lopping of people's heads. They deserve at least 3 for all those bloody infidels they smote. And of course 3 blessings= 3 concubines in the next life! (Actually the blessings to concubines exchange rate is something like 1 to .974, but so what if they get a concubine with no nose? They'd probably have gotten mad at them and chopped that off anyways.)

(6 invites remaining)

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