Thursday, September 30

BU5H\/\/4[K3D Vol. 1

Issues Day has come and gone. The people have chosen the next president of the United States. That unfortunately means that nothing will change in the White House except maybe the progressive worsening of Cheney's arterial walls. Bush-Cheney won in a landslide victory beating Kerry's 100-some odd electoral votes with 343ish. The electoral districts were divided by homeroom and mine was the only one to give our electoral votes to a third party candidate, Michael Badnarik. He got 12 electoral votes which I calculated to be about 2.04%. So unfortunately he lost, but that was to be expected. I wasn't familiar with the Libertarian Party until this week and it is actually quite interesting. It's like Politicians' "Best of" Mix.

I won't go on any longer about them. Check out Badnarik for yourself and you decide what you think. I have other things to talk about. Like how the Repuclican brought in to debate/answer questions used the discussion as a medium to campaign for Matt Blunt. He was asked a question about how Bush would handle some situation and he gave a half-assed response on what Bush believes and then went on to say, "Matt Blunt is in the same situatio! Matt Blunt is Jesus Christ! A vote for Matt Blunt is a vote for Jesus!" Then the two debators (John Hancock, a republican, and some guy Mr. Smith, a democrat) Went off on wild back and forth debate on the quality of Reagan's leadership and whether or not Clinton really was responsible for the economic grown during his own administration. I haven't studied either of their administrations too intensively so I really can't make a decision; if you want to know about it, I suggest you ask Byrne who by the way was told, "'re the man," by Mr. Hancock when he came up to ask a question and the entire school cheered louder for him than they had for even the debators. Hancock also went off on how we are all clearly much safer than before the war in Iraq; that just turned into a pep rally of sorts, playing on the emotions of the mindless Freshmen who vote how their parents tell them to. That's also the reason why Issues Day has had a 100% accuracy rating of electing the president for the last 60 years. Freshman have no minds of their own, so they vote the way their parents vote.

Finally, Mr Hancock once again made a boo boo when he used Booker T Washington's quote
�In all things purely social we can be as separate as the five fingers, and yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress."
So he came off as looking like a complete segregationalist as well as a war monger and a professional politician less popular than a high school senior. My English teacher pointed out that he accurately demonstrated and represented not only George Bush's political inclinations but also his incredible rhetorical skills.

Wow, I'm in a Bush-Bashy kinda mood today for some reason. I didn't even get to mention the crazy stuff I learned about Kerry yesterday, and now I have to run off to theology. I'll conclude Issues Day coverage...


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