Wednesday, April 12


I'm really not much of a facebook whore, but it's officially Easter break for me and with nothing better to do (everyone is leaving campus today) I decided I'd check it out. After scrolling through people's updated profiles and wonder what was updated and how people could do this with any regularity, I looked at the Pulse section which, for non-Facebookers (ie: the comatose individuals who just woke up) shows the current trends at your school and overall at every school. I found some of the statistics rather amusing and most of them to be thoroughly depressing. Take for instance, the "books" that are most popular overall:

How the Bible became popular among college kids I will never understand. It also doesn't make much sense that, since the Bible ranks at number 3, the Da Vinci Code comes in at number one. I'm not familiar with the book, but I seem to recall reviewers/friends who read it saying it has something to do with Jesus having sex with Lady Magdeline and the church conspiracy/coverup of that story.

Then of course there's Harry Potter. I realize facebook now includes high schools, but how could there be enough high schoolers out there that that would be popular? Aren't they all supposed to be illiterate or something? Worse yet, why is it the college kids are the semi-illiterate ones reading such fantastic pieces of fiction as the Da Vinci Code, Harry Potter, and The Bible? I guess this is just indicative of (really) bad taste more than anything else. Granted I'm speaking from having read only 6 of the above books, but I really don't like to waste my time readin pop novels. I was kinda turned off to The Da Vinci Code specifically after Dave Barry's review which I have not been able to find for a while. (His column on the Miami Herald's site is rather poorly designed.)

Finally, some good old fashioned sex-stats.

(The other 88% of male students are lying. Or in a relationship.)

Read: "5% of the male students are in the closet"

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