Thursday, March 16

Hate Makes the World Go "Whee!"

From the article:
The most likely victim of a hate crime in the U.S. is a poor, young, white, single urban dweller, according to an analysis of Justice Department statistics collected from between July 2000 and December 2003...But it does contain some surprising numbers. While race is, by far, the No. 1 factor cited as the reason for hate crimes, blacks are slightly less likely to be victims and far more likely to be perpetrators, the statistics show.
Yeah, maybe that would make sense if they forgot to include the word "gay" in their litany of discriminated adjectives, but no, this article focuses on race. Maybe I'm confusing my stereotypes, but isn't it the poor, young, white, single, urban populartion who are pissed off that there are minorities taking their jobs from them? (Especially when they don't speak a word of goddamn english!) What really puzzles me is what numbers the department of justice is looking at from between 2000 and 2003.

Victims of anti-white crimes: 1,006 (Those last 6 just got really drunk one night.)
Victims of anti-black crimes: 3,150

Note of interest: Atheists and agnostics are the least discriminated against group. I wonder if that's because they aren't members of organizations that require some degree of descrimination against another specific group of people.

Statistics I don't get:
  • Anti-mental/physical - 24/11 crimes respectively (What kind of sick fuck beats up a retarded person? Because they're retarded?!))
  • Anti-Heterosexual- 10 crimes (LOL Why isn't this in the news more often? Why can't they suffer the public's scorn for having the shit kicked out of them by a bunch of fags? Pink Posse, anyone?)

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