Saturday, March 4

Cease and Desist

Remember that billboard parody I posted a while ago? They guy that made it has been served with a cecase and desist order (which he is of course ignoring. Thank god I didn't directly link to his image or I probably would have gotten one too.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great blog theme. Though I wonder if it could be construed by Google as copyright infrigement?

Your link to the original post where you included the parody image seems to broken. I'd be curious to see it.

Peter said...

If it is, I'll gladly change it. This is the fifth theme I've used in like 2 months. LOL I like it though So I'm gonna stick with it til I get slapped with a cease and desist order. ;)

Why do you want to see the parody image if you're the one who hosted it in the first place?