Thursday, March 30

The Biggish Penetrative Bang

The US military is going to be testing a new 700-ton explosive somehwere in Nevada. Vegas will have a spectacular view of the newly developed destructive power, meant to destroy nuclear and biological testing sites underground.

"We have several very large penetrators we're developing," [James Tegnelia, head of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency] told defense reporters.

"We also have -- are you ready for this - a 700-tonne explosively formed charge that we're going to be putting in a tunnel in Nevada," he said.

Curiously enough the end of the article indicates that "the Russians have been notified of the test." I wasn't aware we were still trying not to frighten the USSR into wiping us off the face of the earth, but whatever. If they feel the need to notify the ex-commies, that's fine by me.

Anyway it should be a spectacular show. Book your room at Caesar's Palace soon. Or for a closer look, hide in a cave in Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Afghanistan, or any other country that's on Bush's hit-list the Axis of Evil.

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