Thursday, January 5

Well, They Stick Up For Each Other For One

Maureen's most recent post has a link to an article entitled What Homosexuals Do. I don't want to get too far into the content of the pseudo-study right now. Maureen has been kind enough to provide a forum for that disucussion. While perusing Ron Gleason's analysis of the homosexual "death-style" (creative, eh?) I noticed an error I found to be most disrespectful, especially considering the content.

Hopefully that isn't blurry enough that you can't read it. Click if you can't. Anyway, he totally butchered Matthew Shepard's name. I emailed Ronny G this evening after reading that. He emailed me back. Our correspondence:
I was reading your article "What Homosexuals Do" and noticed an error. The young man killed in Wyoming was named Matthew Shepard, not Michael Sheperd. I just thought I'd bring the error to your attention.

Ron Gleason
to me

Thank you very much. Of course, you are correct. I'll make the correction. God bless, Ron

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