Wednesday, January 18

And You Thought People Hated Bush

While perusing polling report on Bush's job rating, I found that they do the same for Congress. I hadn't even considered Congress's popularity polls. They don't report those nearly as often on the news. They're taken just as frequently. That's really a sad statistic. Bush's been midline for a long time now, but Congress is just getting worse. Currently 27% approval. Ouch.


Anonymous said...

Actually I don't find the results that surprising. Assuming for a moment that the country was split 50/50 Republican and Democrat (it's not but the voting numbers are pretty close to that) you could easily assume that half the country will be unhappy about Congress just because their party isn't in control. So if you buy into my oversimplified numbers we can blame 50% of that disapproval on Democrats (read: sane persons). How do you account for the other 23% or so who think Congress is a bunch of twats? The Republicans who can see that the nation is going to shit but can't blame it on their God-Appointed Sovereign. Therefor they blame their problems on a would-be fantastic Republican Congress that is weakened by Democratic phillibustering and general attentiveness to law and justice and antiquated ideas like that. Also a few percentage points undoubtedly go to captains of industry who are mad that they didn't get those extra tax breaks and subsidies and other favors that were too extreme even for a Republican Congress to throw their way.

Peter said...

Yeah it's really not surprising so much as it is depressing. Most Americans think this country is headed for trouble but absolutely nothing has changed. It won't until things get really bad. I honestly worry about what's going to happen to our government within our lifetime, considering how easily bought politicians are.

banzaimonkey said...

I plan to leave the country before that happens. And hopefully I'll be in a country that's low-key enough to avoid most of the ensuing chaos. =)

Peter said...

Hello, Belgium.