Monday, August 22


I was kinda disappointed with the definitions of hoover and cockapoo, but other than that, I kinda like these new words.
"To suit the pace of our lifestyle today there is a growing tendency to mix words together to make entirely new ones called blends," the dictionary researchers said.

If that isn't proof that we're getting stupider I don't know what is. This is the exact trend picked up on in Orwell's 1984. Well, good bye English, hello engrish. Ever notice how most advertisments and such ignore capitalization and punctuation? Looks trendy, but that coupled with AIM has created a generation of semi-illiterates.

Okay this post was meant to celebrate the new words added to our language. Like "muppet" which is an offensive term meaning (I can only assume) someone who has a hand up their ass. Here's to all the muppets and chuckleheads (people who chuckle whilst getting/receiving head?) out there.

It seems like this happened just a few months before. I guess they're updating much more frequently now that new slang terms are popping up all over the internets. Can't wait til the next installment. Prolly won't have to.


puc said...

you changed your name!!!!! i liked 73hblo6! but bernaljernal is pretty fucking hilarious. i like it too.

Peter said...

Yeah, my el jay is The Infernal Bernal Jernal. This is considerably less infernal. Hance the severed title. Hope it wasn't too great an inconvenience. I did change it on Conglomoblog already though. :)