Thursday, August 18

Hate in Action

Yeah it's only been a few minutes since my last post but this one's important. Jazz was at Joey's party tonight and alerted me to this recent situation in Tennessee in which a gay blogger named Zach has created quite a bit of turmoil. I can't possibly know what he went through but there was a time when I was afraid I might be sent to one of these. I honestly find it hard to believe these things still exist. They come up in the news every now and then, and I'm just shocked by the ignorance and stupidity of the people who run these things. The guy who started "Love in Action", Mr. Spid, is a recovering (recovered?) homosexual. He probably got laughed out of most gay circles for being named Spid. I'll bet he's short, bald, fat with no neck, no kids, and not an ounce of happiness in his life. Now it's time for Spid's Flaming Revenge served on a hot plate of Jesus. My sympathies go out to Zach and all the other kids at the camp. The thing I really don't get about these camps though is how they're even supposed to work if they're bringing all the gay kids to one place. Does, for instance, Zach room with the girls? If so what do they do to prevent the lezzies from being their lesbian selves? Bah, read the article. I'm too pissed off to write any more.

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