Saturday, August 13

Kids Say the Darndest Things (But Not For Long!)

I didn't think it was possible for the average American to get even more ignorant. This is truly disturbing.

Over a third of the 100,000 students questioned felt the First Amendment went "too far" in guaranteeing freedom of speech, press, worship and assembly.

Only half felt newspapers should be allowed to publish stories that did not have the government's approva

I think this one is hilarious:
Roughly half the students polled wrongly believed the US government had the right to censor the internet, while two-thirds believed it was illegal to burn the US flag - another misconception.

I mean come on, kids! Where do you think you're getting your porn, whitehouse


puc said...

oh no.

Peter said...

God dammit! Who the fuck is commenting on my blog?! BLARG!

Peter said...

That's right, deleted, byotches. Don't spread your fucking ads on my blog!