Sunday, July 2

Dependence Day

A Memphis church plans on unveiling a $2.5 million dollar replica of the Statue of Liberty on July 4. The real tragedy is that they've desecrated one of the most powerful symbols of American liberty, replacing her torch with a big splintery cross. Bet you can't guess what they replaced her stone tablets with. The pastor of the church says people won't be able to drive by the Statue of Liberation without thinking about their relationship with god. (After all, what could be more liberating than believing you are't powerful enough to control your behavior on your own?)

The article provides a glimmer of hope for Memphis in the form of 11 year-old girl named Evelyn Douglass who can see that this is just a little warped. She recognizes that the Statue of Liberty is a national symbol of the liberties our country has and that the cross is a religious symbol (and new S&M device). "It's not right that they are mixing the two."

The pastor also said that after a while people will get tired of the cross so he plans on mixing in picket signs reading "Abortoin is murder!", "Marriage is between a Man and woman!" and "Support Our Crusaders; Nuke the Middle East!" (Would you put it past them?)

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