Thursday, February 24


73h bl06 is getting 73h b0r1n6 so I figure I'll spice things up a little bit with some pix du jour. Points say you can't pick up the theme of the day.

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andrea said...

hi..this is in response to the comment you posted in my blog. are you serious? you smoke beacuse it makes you look cool? yet at the same time you say smoking sucks? tell me if i got that right. would you ever consider stopping? like if the best reason for smoking is "cuz it makes me look cool" well then whats the point? sorry if i'm a bit harsh..but i'm just in disbelief. but thanks for your honesty and for the comment.

Peter said...

Andrea, I was being sarcastic. Except about hating smokers. They're losers. LOL

Cap'n, it really has been too long. I ate my kids and right now I'm on death row waiting for my next appeal to go through. :) Thanks for the prayers, Cap'n!

andrea said...

thanks for the sarcasm and for your comments.
hey so you like rufus wainright? awesome! ya you just have to find the song across the universe...he sings it 10 fold better than the Beatles. ohh and you can try finding it off of the i am sam soundtrack (thats where i got it).

Peter said...

Thanks, I found it. Great song.

andrea said...

glad you liked it.

poopie said...

i sense some serious drugs around these parts.