Monday, December 25


As you may or may not be aware, today is xmas, the birthday of Sir Isaac Newton and Victor Retail the inventor of the modern mall and the man who introduced the gift-giving so everyone could celebrate his birthday and spend money at his malls. To celebrate xmas, many people go to a Spiritual Boutique of sorts, commonly referred to as a "church". There they pay for various wise sayings and advice that make them feel better about their lives. I however, am already full of sage advice and - unbeknownst to my parents who insist I spend money on the advice of the collared church salespeople - decided not to go shopping at the xmas (Spiritual Extravaganza) Mass. Instead, my brother and I went driving around the city eventually winding up in FoPo where I snapped a few pictures on my phone.

These are the fountains at Art Hill which look much more impressive either at night or during the summer.

There were some really need copper slinky sculptures in various stages of (over)extension strewn about the bottom of art hill. I wish I'd taken more pictures, but I think you get the idea.
This slinky shattered.

My brother contemplates the mysteries of the universe on the waterfront. His outfit blends in with his surroundings far too well.

King Louis IX in all his majesty.

The mighty Hercules in a tangle of snakes. I wish the lighting (and my camera) were better.

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