Monday, December 18

A Glorious Return

I've been avoiding blogging for a while since I got my fancy new job working for Mr. Jobs. (They don't like bloggers at apple. Meh.) Anyway, I won't be discussing apple stuff any more, but that's cool with everyone, right? Right. Okay! So, blogger also now lets me restrict who can read my blog and I do like the ability to control my readership a little bit so I think I'm bringing back the Bernal Jernal one more time.

Right now I'm waiting for my psych exam to start. Little less than 2 hours. I have another one tomorrow. My exam schedule is awful. Everyone left yesterday, but I was planning on being on my own for a while. I'm staying on campus until xmas eve. I told my managers I'd work through xmas so I'll be chilling in boston for a while. The weather sucks right now, but I'm thinking a healthy dose of retail therapy tomorrow will fix that. (I love being able to afford stuff.)

In other news, you must download and listen to this album. You will not regret it. I'll post more interesting things later tonight. I just wanted to get the BJ juices flowing again. Until then, I've studying to do. Wish me luck. I doubt I'll need it.

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