Monday, November 22

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Funny thing happened to me the other day. I found out that A) the communists have an expansive archive detailing the name(s) and birthdate(s) of each and every human being on the planet and B) my alter-ego is a real human being. The other day, I received a package, two in fact, from Gillette. This is where the communists come in. I have thought long and hard on how gillette came to find out my name, address, and birthdate and the simplest explanation I've come up with is that the Communists started archiving such information a while back and teamed up with Gillette so they could be sure to get skin, hair, and blood samples from 18 year old males. DNA will be extracted from these samples until they have enough to create a massive army of our evil twins.

On a more exciting note, as I mentioned earlier I received TWO such razor packages. The truth is, I didn't. I only got one. My alter-ego, however, got another one which is a good enough reason as any for me to believe that he is officially a real human being. Only people get mail. I mean, what would you do if someone who doesn't exist gets mail? If they died, sure you'd send it back. But if they never existed in the first place and the U.S. Postal service is obliged to get all mail to its destination no matter what, what do they do when an alternate peronality gets mail? Well this mail was delivered to my house which leads me to believe that I do in fact have multiple personality syndrome and that it was he who signed me up for the Communist-Gillette Birthday Listing when I was sleeping.

Last night, I was up til about 1, working on my journals for my American Literature film project which is quite possibly my favorite Engrish related activity of all time. Sure I was up late and was killing time photoshopping pictures when I could have been working, but I eventually got them done. As I was doing my journal for the Godfather, I came to realize that that movie is truly amazing. I liked the movie when I saw it, but for some reason, I didn't realize just how great that movie was until last night. I feel like writing an essay on it, but unfortunately, I don't have the time and I can't use spoiler text because the gray background on this blog is just light enough to not work with the lightest gray text available.

Anyways, I'm so glad I had to do this film project because without the impetus of having my GPA lowered, I would not have found the time to watch that movie until at least June of next year. The same is true of all the movies I've seen. I didn't even know Tootsie existed until a few weeks ago, but it's one of the funniest and most intelligent movies I've ever seen.

I received my first journalistic assignment today. I'm apparently now a reporter/interviewer for the Broatcast Club. I didn't ask for the story, but I'm going to be interviewing Mr. Kesterman, the AP Psych teacher about the numerous psychology projects that have been raising eyebrows around the school over the last couple of weeks. It will be complete with ACTUAL FOOTAGE from a staged mugging! How cool is that? I may be able to host it on the interweb if I can save footage to my iPod when I'm done editing it.

Which reminds me, I need to find a new web host because Angelfire sucks nothing else. The next time you want to say, "Damn, yo, this sucks," you will have to say, "Damn, this sucks like ANGELFIRE!" and your friends will be like, "WHOA! That's pretty serious!" So if anyone knows of a free web host that is free, is not Angelfire, and is free, please tell me because I need to host stuff and be able to link to that stuff. You wouldn't think that would be too hard but apparently Angelfire likes to rape the interweb and my time.

And finally, today in Psychology class, we were discussing learning and how (or if) violence in music, movies, video games etc. effect the aggressive behaviors of the listeners, viewers, players etc. There are good arguments on either side, but I personally am convinced that they aren't the cause of violent behavior. I think it has more to do with (predominant or exclusive) violent tendencies in the person. Violent movies and video games themselves don't push kids over the edge. If they did, every person with a PS2 (who according the the PS2-GTA Theorem, must also own at least one copy of any of the Grand Theft Auto titles) would be going around and....gangbanging? I really don't know what goes on in GTA, but gangbanging is fun to say and highly probable from what I've seen and heard of the game. The reason I bring this discussion up is because today a new video game, "JFK Reloaded" debuted for download (relive the classic assassination for just $9.99! Click here to download!) and the Kennedy family, in all its wealth, is not going to do anything about it. Sounds fishy, but they probably want to let the dead dog lie. Hm...poor word choice. Well anyways, go home, beware my alter ego (I never know what he's up to any more), relive the memories of Kennedy's big day (today is the 41st anniversary), and bring your free razors to school and brandish it in your teacher's face.



Peter said...

I believe that everything must be cited, no matter how ridiculous. I linked to it because it's worth a good laugh, not because I expect you to download it. Besides it costs 10 bucks. Who's gonna pay 10 bucks to shoot JFK? Again?

Anonymous said...

You have no idea how disappointed I was when neither of those links worked. ;___;