Thursday, December 29

Subtle As A Squirtle

As far as jigs are concerned, they're all up at this point. My blog's finally been discovered by the religious, the elitist, the ignorant....Maureen.
I have several young bloggers who come here who at first confused me. For instance, there is Peter, a very young man with the blog called "Bernal Jernal." Peter is a normally polite and very handsome young person. In fact, Peter is exactly like some of the boys I used to get crushes on when I was a young girl, before the Lord delivered me from the path of lust. Peter does not display the sort of full-frontal obscenity that some posters -- like that HP -- like to use. Instead, Peter asks innocent sounding questions, which are directed at destroying my faith -- and yours, dear reader. Peter is in fact aiding the devil to get you on the path to hell.

I desperately want to save Peter from the life of sin, doubt, and blasphemy which he seems to headed towards. He is still VERY young, and could be saved. Yet I had great fears when I looked at his website and so many things that made me think that Peter is a victim of the homosexual lifestyle. He has linked to gay pornography on his website, and worst of all has a picture of himself with ANOTHER YOUNG MAN in his lap! To me it is all to clear that Peter is walking down a perilous path. I love this young man as I love all sinners, and I don't want to see him seduced by the sexuality of the devil! What can we do to save Peter's soul? I'm sorry to conduct a name-and-shame operation like this, by the moment is dire.

It's a pity really. After seeing Rent I'd developed a fondness for the name Maureen. Oh well, at least now this one's got my back. In fact, Maureen, if you ever read this, I tell you what. You can have my soul. I'm not using it You would probably say that I'm not using it well. I don't need it, and you christians are always looking for new ones. Anyway, you can copy and paste this on your blog and consider it the deed to my soul. Good job Maureen! You caught another one!

PS where's all this gay porn on my blog? The closest I've come to posting gay porn is that picture of Angel from the X3 announcement trailer.


Anonymous said...

Dammit. I came here from Marueen's blog just for the gay porn...

KEvron said...

maureen almost reads like satire. ya' think maybe....? nah. she's just plain nuts.


Peter said...

Sorry to disappoint, anonymous. I just don't know where my STACKS of playguys got off to. They're just GONE.

Kev, Maureen's not nuts. She's just very very very confused. I like to employ the (communist! gasp!) phrase "opiate of the people." She's become addicted to jesus. (insert high on christ joke here)

porgie said...

Peter, how will you ever find salvation? a crakerjack box? In jeff's pants? Cause if you find an extra one, i want it. it would complete my collection of damnation, blasphamey, and peril

Peter said...

If I find something in Jeff's pants, you can pretty much count on never seeing it. If I find salvations somewhere else, I'll be sure to grab a few for you. I'm assuming you'll need extas just like I will if I ever want to think about the word "heaven".

Fleaboy of the Night said...

Damn, i just captured squirtle's and christamon's soul and right as i bought an empty pokeball to capture yours, you give it away. Oh well, i guess i'm going to have to beat team rocket without it.


Peter said...

You can borrow my Lazarusaur. He can revive himself as long as you have your Christamon with you.

banzaimonkey said...

BLOGWAR! WOOT! *polishes his insult skills*

Peter said...

Hey, this is a war for my eternal salvation here. Don't fuck up!

Anonymous said...

Peter . . . how have you reached internet stardom to the point where random Christian queens are pointing you out as the devil's buttboy? My gasts are flabbered.

Love and Lollipops.

Peter said...

LOL I'm not sure. I know it has something to do with the facts that
A) I disagree with her
B) I'm gay and
C) It's a life-long goal of mine to earn the title "Peter the Roman"

Anonymous said...

More like Peter the Greek.

I'm so fucking funny.

Anyway - all the things you say are true. It's just that it seems strange to me that out of all the polite-yet-hellbound bloggers in the world she found her way to you.

Love and Lollipops!