Tuesday, February 14

Wal-Mart Abortions For Less

From the article:

Wal-Mart said today it plans to start stocking and selling the emergency contraception drug Plan B at its 44 Massachusetts pharmacies after receiving a directive from state regulators.

The retailer said it is also giving serious thought to carrying the drug at all of its 3,700 pharmacies nationwide. The only other state where Wal-Mart sells the so-called morning after pill is Illinois, where a state law requires it. Elsewhere, Wal-Mart has refused to stock the drug for undisclosed "business reasons."

Suck on that, religious right. Business reasons my ass. They adhere(d) to the belief that making contraceptives easily available will only increase sexual experimentation among people who should be keeping it in their pants til they tie the heterosexual knot. It's the same theory that keeps other like-minded people from sponsoring AIDS reseach cause they say that once there's a cure, people will just fuck fuck fuck. It's almost like they're glad it's here. Anyway, I'm glad their finally moderinzing though. Honestly, who even cares about contraceptives except the catholic church any more?

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