Wednesday, February 15


I think the moral of the story is, once you get AIDS, you can fuck pretty much anything you want. No matter how many legs it has. When I first saw this, I saw the scorpion one on its own and I thought it had something to do with my astrological sign. I was like, "Um...score?" Then I saw it was about AIDS. Rather disappionting. Cool pictures though!


Peter said...

I know what the ponit of the ad was. :P

And I'm still kinda pissed that they didn't incorporate the RAID logo on there somewhere.

Peter said...

Spelling is for witches. :P

Byrne Hobart said...

I'd like you to know that I clicked on the 'define' button on the upper-left corner of your blog.

"No entry found for Bernal Jernal.

Did you mean Anal canal?"

Yes. Yes I did.