Tuesday, June 27

NYT Accused of Treason For Doing Its Job

First of all, who was really surprised by the revelation that the feds are rifling through our bank statements, especially after AT&T et al. started handing over phone records years ago? I mean this was all spelled out in the Patriot Act. Bleh. Anyway, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee has called the New York Times treasonous and is requesting that the Department of Justice investigate the staff.

I also love how he's trying to trump up the nature of the war we're in. Quotes like: "We're at war, and for the Times to release information about secret operations and methods is treasonous," would have been totally appropriate if the New York Times in 1943 had revealed the US's surveillance and attack plan for Germany. But this is a war on terror which is being fought in the Middle East and globally through the trafficking and interception of information. Telling the American people their government is spying on them isn't treasonous. It's certainly not going to inhibit said government from tracking banking records. Nor is it a shocking revelation no one believed possible.

EDIT: See? What did I tell you. Not at all a surprise. We just weren't paying attention.

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