Tuesday, June 13

Moon Walk

According to ultra-cool physicist Stephen Hawking, we gotta get outta here. Earth's not doing too hot — or rather, it is and that's exactly the problem. Basically we're overpopulated and the planet can't sustain our current (and growing) numbers. He recommends colonizing the moon by 2026 (cool!) and Mars 20 years later (awesome!) Otherwise, our species will probably get nearly wiped out by a disaster as has happened time and again in the animal kingdom when things get too cramped. I mean really that's the reason disease exists: to cap our numbers and prevent overpopulation. We like to think that we're at the top of every food chain, but those little bubonic microbes did a number on us in the Middle Ages.

Of course there's always the minor problem of the space colonies becoming a haven for the rich from the diseasse-ridden earth which bereft of all finances and technology could just be home to the poor, dying denizens unable or unwilling to leave the dying planet. Heh, sorry. Summer blockbuster season must be getting to me. I just really want to go to Mars.

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