Friday, October 15

PHR1ZB33 N1NJ45 \/\/17H PH13R[E L453R5

I'm in a bloggy mood, but unfortunately I can't think of anything to write. Well Exams are over and that is a major relief. Actually they weren't expecially difficult this time around. I was rather disappointed that I found my Engrish exam easier than my Latin exam, but that was about the only disappointment this week. I wasn't the least bit disappointed when I saw that it was still raining after exams yesterday. Running in the rain is so much fun. Only rarely can you see where you're going, and you forget the cold after a few minutes or running. You also need to keep a sharp eye out for muddy areas and puddles. Sloshing through those is the most exhilarating part of running in the rain. I'm probably going to be sick in a few days, but it was worth it.

After practice, I waited too long for my ride, but luckily I found Eddie and his 2 underclassmen slaves. We managed to enertain ourselves with a boxful of Mardi Gras-style Valentine-colored beads foollishly left out for the Mother's Club (NOT GAMBLING) Card Party at which there will be absolutely NO gambling, just card playing. Gambling is against the rules, but apparently it's okay for a school sponsored events to involve a deck of cards (supplied by the school) when we students are strictly forbidden from so much as using the phrases "ace in the hole" or "jace". Anyways, after we got bored with those and after Eddie got tired of trying to remove all functionality of our retinas (retinae?), we tried to go to the lobby, but Secret Service was there because some "very important individuals" were going to be having a very official meeting which our presence was somehow interrupting. Luckily the Secret Service guys (complete with bugs in their ears!) didn't notice the bomb strapped onto my chest and we were able to escape without any trouble. I'm glad those guys don't run security at our school; we'd have multiple breakins on the same day if they did. (I think one of them had a seeing eye dog.)

Eddie apparently had to help aforementioned "very important individuals" get to and from their cars, so he went into the locker room to suit up for th event. However he left his badges in the car so he sent one of the sophomores to get it. I was suprised when the kid actually agreed to do it. He probably liked helping out a senior though. Underclassmen have the strange notion that doing such menial tasks for us will make us like them and make them the cool kids with senior friends when really they're just being used. But don't tell them that; I left my shoes in my car. But no! that was Eddie! He again sent poor, obsequious Alex out into the rain to get those. Sophomores are so entertaining. I suppose I have to like the guy though, because most sophomores have the mentality that since they survived a year of high school they're automatically the coolest thing since bread in a can. He and the other kid John weren't like that at all. The rest of their class could learn a thing or two from them. Like bathing.

Today was a marvelous screw up of a day. I was going to go to the park for lunch at 11:30 with a few kids from SLUH and some St. Joe girls, but of course my mom took the car and didn't come back until 1 so I arrived fashionably late. And of course since I was so incredibly late my arrival was all the more fashionable. We tossed a frizbee (is there a correct spelling for that word?) and played some variation of whiffleball which involved no bases and excessively windy conditions to maximize the fun. A word of advice to those who would anger Nick "Angryman" Anglim when he's holding a harmless frizbie (yeah there's only one correct spelling): DON'T DO IT. Frizbees are lethal in his hands. He took out Lily's knee while he was running (a truly amazing feat), nailed me in the jaw, and managed to shatter one of his weapons. Bring him cookies or something. If you get on his bad side, you too will have your jaw wired shut for six to eight weeks.

Currently listening to: Stuck in the Middle with You� Steve Miller Band (happy music for a happy scene in a happy movie)


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