Thursday, June 14

i fit iron dick

If you're looking for a good pseudonym, nothing beats a bad anagram. This fun anagram generator can help you out. Some of my personal favorites:
  • hampered brenner art
  • barnhard preen meter
  • bernhard rape me rent


Anonymous said...

What exactly is this an anagram of? Am I missing something.

Other than sleep.

Peter said...

Well I did mention that they were handy for pseudonyms. Guess I wasn't clear enough. Those are anagrams of my name.

Anonymous said...

I fit iron dick? You're a liar I know your names, both real and imagined.

I hate you.

Anonymous said...

Unless it's frickin' idiot. Is it frickin' idiot.

Scrabble letters may have been involved.

Peter said...

Bingo! It is indeed frickin idiot :D