Friday, March 23

New Favorite Blag - Fake Hillary

I've found my new favorite blog. The Secret Diary of Hillary Clinton is exactly what it says it is. And it is clearly authored by Hillary herself. No doubt about it. Just look at her latest entry:
"So Jimmy Carville asked me last night, "What would you do if Bill found out he had incurable cancer?" My answer: "Bill who?" Ha! Do you get it? No really, if Bill had incurable cancer I'm sure I wouldn't just go celebrate right away. First I'd pray that it was testicular cancer so we could have his balls cut off. Then I'd hold some kind of pious press conference where I'd make him come out and say how he wanted me to stay in the race and how he wasn't going to let his cancer get in the way of my pursuing my dreams. Then I'd make sure he started really looking like shit in public, wasting away, and I'd have lots of photo opps of me taking care of him at home..."

It goes on. I recommend reading it. It may have just swayed my opinion of her. Hillary for Oh Eight!

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