Thursday, March 29

The Making of a Zealot

"He's constantly getting stoned."

- my Biblical Studies (BS) professor on Paul of Tarsus

Wednesday, March 28

Headline of the Year

I'd link to this story, but the Republicans at my school (like Republicans in general) aren't very web savvy and haven't updated their paper's website since last year. Anyway, as I was walking to class the other day, I spotted a copy of their rag, The Obsesrver. It was drenched in a puddle or I'd have saved it. The headline was "Panel Explores Vagina." Classic conservatism, no? Anyway, I apologize again that I can't show you the article online. Hopefully this will make up for it.

Monday, March 26

Best Apple Discussion Thread Ever

I'm praying to the meaty sauces of the FSM that this story is true:
I have this old cat that likes to sleep on my iBook while I'm not using it. I have set the screensaver to require a password in order to prevent her from entering random keystrokes into the documents I leave open while I'm away.

However, I've noticed that while the computer is still in the screensaver when I return, she has somehow managed to circumvent the password and, among other things, rename my hard drive, execute complex keystroke combinations changing my system settings and save over documents which I have minimized.

Sex Is The Enemy

Check this out (and here with video). Basically, the fundies are grabbing their daughters and taking them to a joyless pseudo-prom where they promise to make sure the daughter doesn't get any action until she's married. It's all very twisted and to top it all off, they give it a wonderful name like "The Purity Ball." I really don't even know what to say about these people any more. I'm more than a little creeped out, but at the same time they're exactly the people who shouldn't be breeding anyway, so maybe it'll all work out for the best.

Friday, March 23

Be Happy. Be Hateful. And Stop Breeding.

A Neuqua Valley High student wants to wear a shirt the day after the day of silence. The shirt will read "Be Happy. Be Straight." Or something. (Link to the article.) She's filing a lawsuit now because she wants to wear the shirt but the school won't let her. Frankly, I think we should let her. Her message is silly and highlights the foolish arguments employed by the ignorant religious people in this country who think they can control the rest of us and our sex lives. (Plus there's the whole free speech thing.) She should be allowed to wear her shirt if the gays can wear their own shirts ("Stop overpopulation. Start having gay sex." / "Good Christians don't use the pill. Neither do lesbians." etc.) on their own day as a replacement for the thoroughly unproductive day of silence. Everyone gets a fallacious, argumentative t-shirt day. Everybody wins.

New Favorite Blag - Fake Hillary

I've found my new favorite blog. The Secret Diary of Hillary Clinton is exactly what it says it is. And it is clearly authored by Hillary herself. No doubt about it. Just look at her latest entry:
"So Jimmy Carville asked me last night, "What would you do if Bill found out he had incurable cancer?" My answer: "Bill who?" Ha! Do you get it? No really, if Bill had incurable cancer I'm sure I wouldn't just go celebrate right away. First I'd pray that it was testicular cancer so we could have his balls cut off. Then I'd hold some kind of pious press conference where I'd make him come out and say how he wanted me to stay in the race and how he wasn't going to let his cancer get in the way of my pursuing my dreams. Then I'd make sure he started really looking like shit in public, wasting away, and I'd have lots of photo opps of me taking care of him at home..."

It goes on. I recommend reading it. It may have just swayed my opinion of her. Hillary for Oh Eight!

Wednesday, March 21

Flickr Find - Blue Dragon

Wonderful picture of a beautiful blue water dragon. [flickr link]

Sunday, March 4

Red Side of the Moon

The Martian Moon

Check out the BBC's photo collection from last night's lunar eclipse (which I missed because of work.)

Thursday, March 1

Life In Cartoon Motion

Mika - Life in Cartoon Motion

You absolutely must listen to this album before you die. It's easily one of the best albums I've ever heard. I should probably warn you that it's by British pop artist Mika. Don't let that turn you off to it though. This isn't at all the pop music we've gotten used to in the States. This is what pop music should be. Stylistically, it's kind of a mix of the Beatles' poppier songs, Queen, The Scissor Sisters, and well, Mika who certainly deserves some credit for his own brand of subtly sophisticated pop music. (He claims to be influenced also by Beck, Rufus and Elton. That last one's dead on.)

Seriously though, if you're ever in a bad mood, pop in this CD. After the first track (Grace Kelly - youtube) you will feel like you've just taken a hit of purest ecstasy. Each song is magnificent, which I've found is quite a rare. (Maybe it's just me but even for artists I really like, there's usually a few kick-ass songs, and the rest are mediochre at best.) Please. Do yourself a favor. Buy this album.

Ass and Georges

I'll preface this by saying that my art class opens with a crit of last week's assignment and then the professor explains various techniques we can use. We're all standing for part 1 but for the latter part we're sitting in front of Macbook Pros. (The most basic ones too. Cheap school.) Anyway, we're supposed to follow along and try out what our professor does. I try to do that, but for whatever reason I usually end up missing the part where he tells us where to find the images he's using so I just improvise. Some of the results are quite fun.

George feels fabulous wading in the reflecting pool.

Don't ask. I don't know.

I kinda just got bored in class and made this one. I don't remember why I grabbed the terminator image.