Monday, August 28

P&T: Holier than Thou

Wow. This is the most shocking episode of P&T I've ever seen. Who would have thought that Mother Theresa was a sadistic witch who kept millions of people in poverty and suffering so she could be spiritually enlightened? It gets better. The president of the Catholic League (saving the world from non-catholics by slapping their arcane "morals" on the rest of us) admits that she did so and that doing so was admirable. That's freakier than opus dei's masochism. I guess really that's the catholic church's biggest flaw: they focus way too much on the crucifixion of that silly old jew (anyone see the Passion?) and human suffering as a means of spiritual enlightenement. Thanks, catholics, but I'm not going to spend one lifetime in misery so I can (hopefully!) have a reasonably not-shitty afterlife.

Anyway, watch the show. I won't spoil the sinister sides of Ghandi or the Dalai or The Man Worshiped By the Gaggle of Post-Menopause Housewives.

Edit: Bah! Someone's purged all the P&T. :(

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