Friday, November 4

I'll have nobody toy with my comfort and joy

Bat Boy opened today! Quite a few mayhems in the back stage but everyone loved the show so I'm happy. We'll have to clean up some set changed for tomorrow but I'm happy with the show. The best part is that after the adreneline rush of finishing the show, I start my job demoing apple products on campus. I get paid to play with iPods and stuff! Crazy shit, huh?

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This is my new favorite picture of me. I wouldn't ususally just post something like this on its own but I was really excited about this one. It doesn't work very well as a facebook picture since it's horizonal and all that, but I used it annyway. PS, I don't like that facebook's new photo upload applet doesn't work with either Firefox or OS X. I haven't figured out which it is, but considering my roommate has his up it's probably Firefox. Which, again, pisses me off. I'll have to look around for the right extension to make it work.

I have a calc exam tomorrow I haven't started studying for. I should probably get to that now. I'm not even going to bother with my history reading assignment that's some 150 pages long.

Image hosted by Taken 10.29.05, two days before Hallyween. A fucking blizzard. Forecast for tomorrow? 65. Effing craziest town I've ever lived in.

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