Thursday, January 25


Nospia, originally uploaded by lamarde.

I found a wonderful flickr page full of some nice retro cigarette posters. I want one for my room next year. Check out the rest.

Monty Python Tribute

I just read on Ars Technica that Google has begun to integrate YouTube into its Google Video search page. Basically it works more like Google image search for instance and searches not just GV but YouTube as well. Anyway, I decided to try it out and found this hilarious Monty Python tribute done by Matt and Trey. You may enjoy

Monday, January 22

Golden Delicious

Two days ago I was handed a six pack to thank me (and my coworkers) for fixing a computer. I was required to refuse it, unfortunately. Yesterday, I was asked out on a date. By a female. She evidently was blind or otherwise functionally retarded.

I love my job.

Friday, January 19

Colbert's Second Greatest Moment

And easily his best interview. Colbert v O'Reilly. It's magnificent. Enjoy.

Don't forget to check out O'Reilly's interview of Colbert which aired on the same night.

I'm ficklish

As you can tell, I'm changing the face of BJ once again. I plan on making a new header this weekend. This one looks bad. Anyway, feedback is always appreciated.

Wednesday, January 17

Your World Delivered. To the NSA.

I mentioned a while ago, that Cingular was (sort of) re-acquired by AT&T. They're going to be changing their name to AT&T Wireless probably around the same time the iPhone is released. The creation and purchase of Cingular is kind of complicated so I think I'll leave it to Stephen Colbert to explain it to you.

EDIT: In case you're wondering, the title of the post is in reference to this little AT&T scandal and the accompanying logo parody.

Keyboard Dancing

I was watching an episode of The Office in which Pam, the receptionist, brags to her star-crossed lover, Jim, that she can type at 90 words per minute. (Jim can only get 65.) Anyway, I was curious as to how fast I could type, and after some quick googling, found this test. I'm ususually somewhere between 80 and 90, but my high score is 101. Unfortunately it doesn't count accuracy so if you just wiggle your fingers around on the keyboard for a while, you can pretty easily get 100+ wpm. [test]

Also, school's officially back in session. A few days ago, I was only in 3 classes. (We're required to take 5 per semester.) Now I'm in 4 and the fifth I want to get into is taught by my photography professor from last semester, so getting in won't be a problem. I was getting a little anxious about going back to classes towards the end of break, but now that I've gone to most of them, I'm kind of excited. The only class I dislike is (of course) my biblical studies class, but after this semester I will never have to open that god-awful book ever again. How exciting is that?

Friday, January 12

Red Flags Should Go Up.

These misguided requirements distort the marketplace by forcing industry to adopt agency-blessed solutions rather than allow innovative and competitive approaches to develop. We have seen this happen with the proposed video flag, and interest groups are pushing for an audio flag mandate as well. Whether well-intentioned or not, the FCC has no business interfering in private industry to satisfy select special interests or to impose its own views.

I have a new favorite Senator and his name is Sununu. Not only is he trying to lift federal restrictions on how electronics can be manufactured, but he's also going up against some lobbying from the TV and movie studios. They're the ones who succeeded in getting legislation passed requiring that broadcast flags be embedded in tv signals so that technology could be developed to restrict recording access. The catch of course is that the manufacturers of DVD recorders need to include flag detecting technology that would effectively limit their products ability to do its job. [link]

Thursday, January 11

A Few Pictures

The new T fares suck. Those are universal. $2 everywhere! It's piracy.

I went shopping the other day and saw these transsexual bathrooms. Oh Boston. How progressive can you get?

Then I saw this and wondered how Boston could call itself a blue state when the homos and the heteros can't even share the same milk.

Thursday, January 4

Infectiously Cute

I think I may have just found the most adorable toy ever.
Most folks never realize how cute microbes can be when expanded 1,000,000 times and then fashioned into cuddly plush. Until now, that is. Keep one on your desktop to remind yourself that there is an "invisible" universe out there filled with very small things that can do incredible damage to much bigger things. Then go and wash your hands. Lather, rinse, repeat.
This one (E. Coli) is my favorite. It reminds me of a baby Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Wednesday, January 3


A wonderful clip from a documentary on drugged spiders. :)